SN Youth Championships

SN Youth Championships

  • Team Contact Information

  • For Team, Doubles & Singles, complete Sections 1 and 2. For Team only, complete Section 1. For Doubles & Singles Only, complete the Section 1 data for two or four bowlers and then complete Section 2. Please list them in the order that they will bowl. If a bowler is only bowling Singles, please use Section 3.

  • Section 1: Team Information

  • Team Squad Times

    Please select your squad times in order of preference.
  • Section 2: This section should be used to set the D/S bowling order and their selection of squad times.

  • Doubles/Singles Team #1 (List bowlers in the order that they will bowl)

  • Doubles/Singles Team #2 (List bowlers in the order that they will bowl)

  • Section 3: This section should only be used by a bowler who is just bowling the Singles event

  • If your entry is sponsored by a Bowling Center and they are paying for all or a portion of the event, please use the sponsorship adjustment field to let us know that the sponsor is responsible for payment of this event.

  • Entry Fees

  • Credit card fee is .0425
  • $0.00
    This total will also include optional scratch and/or handicap entries and applicable credit card charges.