The annual membership meeting of the Southern Nevada USBC Association will be held at 1:00 p.m. in one of the Gold Coast Meeting Rooms (J, K, L). If you would like to review the meeting data from last year you can find it Under the About Us Tab at the top of our website (

Applications for board of director positions will be accepted up to 21 days prior to the meeting. Applications received after that time will be considered for positions that become available after the Annual Meeting. While Robert’s Rules of Order allows for nominations from the floor, these too will be considered for later appointments unless it can be shown that the applicant is currently Safesport and RVP qualified. If this is the case, the individual’s name may be added to the ballot provided they have supplied a copy of the application for each voting attendee. Normally this would be 40 – 50 copies, but could be significantly higher as was the case in 2023 when the number of voters exceeded 130.